This post is a little late but happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! This year was my first true mother's day. Prior years were celebrated as a fur babies momma, which some don't count but when that's what you have, that's what you celebrate! To cap off the day, our sow Natasha delivered 11 piglets. One didn't make it due to a birth defect but as of today, we have 10 happy rolley-polley piglets. Natasha is a great mother and has adapted well to her larger litter.
D and I had a little mother-daughter overalls photo shoot before chore time. She is a good sport about spending a lot of time outdoors helping with farm chores from the comfort of her stroller. Although she calls the shots and when she is over it, everybody better be ready to be done too!
In other news, we have now found a local source of 100% non-GMO feed for all of our animals through Taylor Family Farms and are so glad to be able to make the switch over to all non-GMO feeds and still stay within budget. Click on their name to check out their website.
We have moved the guineas and some of the chicks out on pasture with the portable coop and portable electric fencing. We placed it in one of the pig pastures and the pigs found it very interesting until we plugged the fence in and they got a snout full of shock. After that, they decided chewing on the fence was not such a good idea and so far have left it alone.
I can't wait until we can move the last batch of chicks out of the bathtub and the 6 turkeys out of the hobby room and onto pasture as well. I'm getting tired of the house smelling like poultry. We will have to plan better next year!
D and I had a little mother-daughter overalls photo shoot before chore time. She is a good sport about spending a lot of time outdoors helping with farm chores from the comfort of her stroller. Although she calls the shots and when she is over it, everybody better be ready to be done too!
In other news, we have now found a local source of 100% non-GMO feed for all of our animals through Taylor Family Farms and are so glad to be able to make the switch over to all non-GMO feeds and still stay within budget. Click on their name to check out their website.
We have moved the guineas and some of the chicks out on pasture with the portable coop and portable electric fencing. We placed it in one of the pig pastures and the pigs found it very interesting until we plugged the fence in and they got a snout full of shock. After that, they decided chewing on the fence was not such a good idea and so far have left it alone.
I can't wait until we can move the last batch of chicks out of the bathtub and the 6 turkeys out of the hobby room and onto pasture as well. I'm getting tired of the house smelling like poultry. We will have to plan better next year!