The Giving Tree Farm was founded in 2014 and named in honor of my mother, after a shared favorite book, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. The book teaches us a powerful lesson that if you take and take, in the end, there will be nothing left. We must respect what the earth has to give and do our part to give back to it.
After several years of planning and dreaming, in 2014, we purchased almost 50 acres of land in Lewis County, Tennessee. We continue to work on becoming more self-sufficient and raise healthy food, in a humane and environmentally friendly manner. We do not use any unnecessary antibiotics, pesticides, or hormones to grow our food or raise our animals. We only use locally sourced 100% non-GMO feeds. We currently raise 4.9 natural size bees, pastured laying hens and at times, a few turkeys and Guinea fowl.
We are located in Hohenwald Tennessee.
After several years of planning and dreaming, in 2014, we purchased almost 50 acres of land in Lewis County, Tennessee. We continue to work on becoming more self-sufficient and raise healthy food, in a humane and environmentally friendly manner. We do not use any unnecessary antibiotics, pesticides, or hormones to grow our food or raise our animals. We only use locally sourced 100% non-GMO feeds. We currently raise 4.9 natural size bees, pastured laying hens and at times, a few turkeys and Guinea fowl.
We are located in Hohenwald Tennessee.